Amati AIM IHT Portfolio Overview
The Amati AIM IHT Portfolio Service gives investors access to our selection of 25-40 qualifying AIM listed companies in the market. After a period of two years, these holdings fall out of one’s estate for inheritance tax. This means that investors who are considering their inheritance tax liability can benefit from retained ownership of an investment portfolio and leaving a tax-efficient legacy, as well as considering other options such as lifetime gifting.
Amati’s AIM IHT Portfolio Service is run as a model portfolio, so even though each client owns the companies directly in their own name, all clients have portfolios that are as similar as is practically possible. In this way the service is set up to allow clients to benefit from the access that we have to the market as an institutional fund manager, with adjustments to the portfolio being made for all clients at the same time.
Investment Philosophy & Key Benefits
-Bottom up: Stock-picking driven by rigorous analysis.
-Concentrated: Curating a diversified portfolio of the 25-40 well financed companies.
-Growth approach: Selecting outstanding businesses with a genuine edge.
-Portfolio construction, stocks fall into three segments (see below)
-ESG considerations: Integral to each manager’s due diligence and research.
-Team approach: Allowing waterfront coverage and avoiding individual manager bias.
-Risk management: Active monitoring with a focus on liquidity and diversification.
Portfolio Construction:
-Management & Family Ownership – includes companies with significant equity stake held by management/family, professionally managed with a long term perspective, and a strong, prudent balance sheet;
-Established Technology – includes profitable companies with a history of growth, cash generative, high margin, clear USP and strong barriers to entry: and
-Durable-Defensive – companies with attractive yield and well covered dividend, defensive, non-cyclical earnings.
Charging Structure:
We offer competitive and straightforward charging structure, where unlike many competitors we do not levy an initial charge or charge additional platform or manager fees for dealing in the underlying shares.
– James Brearley custodian & administration fee – 0.3% annual fee paid quarterly in arrears – Investment management Charge – 1% + VAT paid monthly
– Net charges for the Service are 1.5% inc VAT
– Advisory charges as agreed between the client and their financial adviser.
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