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British Smaller Companies VCT2 plc


  • Fund

  • Generalist, Healthcare and Services, Media, Technology

  • VCT

  • Open from 27 September 2023

  • N/A

  • 07500330986

  • tracey.nice@yfmep.com

  • https://yfmep.com/investor-area/

About British Smaller Companies VCT2 plc

The objective of British Smaller Companies VCT2 Plc (BSC2) is to maximise Total Return and provide investors with an attractive long-term tax-free dividend yield while maintaining the Company’s status as a venture capital trust. The investment strategy of BSC2 is to invest in UK businesses across a broad range of sectors to create a portfolio that blends a mix of businesses operating in established and emerging industries that offer opportunities in the application and development of innovation in their products and services.

These investments will all meet the definition of a Qualifying Investment and be primarily in unquoted UK companies. It is anticipated that the majority of these businesses will be re-investing their profits for growth and the investments will, therefore, comprise mainly equity instruments.