moneyinfo enables advisers to automate onboarding and client reviews via branded smartphone app

moneyinfo has launched a digital fact find which allows advisers, wealth managers and DFMs to gather fact find information from clients via their own branded app.

Available to advisers on their own branded app for tablet and mobile, as well as desktop, the new financial profile prepopulates with data fed in from platforms, providers, online accounts, land registry and even open banking to simplify the capture of a client’s assets and liabilities, and income and expenditure.

Tessa Lee, Managing Director of moneyinfo explains: “Our new financial profile builder allows clients and advisers to collaborate on the fact find process and is integrated into secure messaging and workflow to further automate both onboarding new clients and, most importantly, reviews with existing clients.

“Firms can create their own fact find templates, choosing which sections to include and how these are presented to the client. As the client updates their financial information, moneyinfo builds a picture for the client of their overall net worth. This system links with land registry, online pension and investment accounts and open banking so that information is automatically populated from online accounts avoiding the need for them to key in their properties, plans and expenditure.

“Advice firms can request a fact find update from their clients via moneyinfo’s encrypted WhatsApp style secure messaging or as part of a customisable automated workflow. These guide the client through the onboarding or review process prompting them to update their information and, where applicable, to upload policy information or statements and review and approve documents and reports. Firms can remove paperwork, secure their communications and achieve significant time and cost savings.”


Sam Whybrow, founder of Thanks Wealth Planning comments: “The fact find process is one of the most time consuming and least engaging parts of the advice process. An unnecessary evil which is often a painful process for both adviser and client. Pulling together all the information needed to provide advice, not least in the area of expenditure, can be difficult and which many clients don’t know with any degree of accuracy. moneyinfo’s new digital fact find integrates with moneyinfo’s aggregation capabilities, saving significant amounts of adviser and client time – as well as providing better data to improve cashflow planning.”

Tessa concludes: “We have developed our digital fact find in response to research and insight from our adviser focus groups. We know from our own user stats that clients are nearly four times more likely to login via an app than on desktop or mobile browser. This could be a game-changer,  as we strive to take the heavy lifting away from advisers so they can concentrate on the crucial client relationship.

“We have very much been a first mover in this area – and we continue to innovate and drive forward hybrid ways of working with clients, as well as focusing on improving client and adviser experience.

“There’s much talk about hybrid advice but what moneyinfo really does is hybrid client engagement, allowing firms to embrace new ways of working with clients whilst maintaining the human element that all of us value so much. CRM is shifting out of the back office into the front office and client engagement solutions, like this, are now key to any wealth management or advice firm.”


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