FinCalc integrates Just Group’s innovative guaranteed income producing asset

Just Group’s guaranteed income producing asset has been integrated into FinCalc’s comprehensive cashflow modelling software.

The guaranteed income producing asset helps DFMs and advisers achieve better client outcomes. The majority of clients can achieve higher portfolio values and a more sustainable plan when using the guaranteed income producing asset as part of the SIPP drawdown portfolio.

FinCalc’s software equips advisers with user friendly tools that help them provide their clients with fully comprehensive advice. Just’s Secure Lifetime Income solution integration into FinCalc’s cashflow modelling software will help advisers and portfolio managers achieve more certainty over investment outcomes for clients.

A UK-wide series of face-to-face seminars begins on Tuesday 20 June and attendees will be able to see FinCalc’s detailed approach to cashflow modelling demonstrated live; and the seminars will help to demonstrate the greatly improved outcomes that blending income guarantees can generate for retirees. Each seminar attracts 90 minutes CPD.


Jason Wykes, CEO at FinCalc, said: “I am thrilled about our partnership with Just, which not only offers real-time rates for their guaranteed income producing asset, but also highlights the power of cashflow modelling in demonstrating the impact of this powerful asset over time.

Yannis Katsis, Business Development Director at Just Group, commented: “FinCalc’s inclusion of our guaranteed income producing asset into their cash flow modelling software shows innovative thinking – and it enables portfolio managers and IFAs to manage the risks facing investors in decumulation and achieve more certainty over investment outcomes.”

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