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    Scotland – Where Will the Money Go?

    Alex Salmond’s confident calculations don’t convince Michael Wilson The battered Saltire drifting above Edinburgh castle fluttered forlornly in the shifting breeze. Nobody seemed…

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    Shock Doctor – Jeffrey Sachs

    Born 1954 in Detroit, and currently heading the Earth Institute at Columbia University   Fifty years ago, it was too easy to…

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    The RDR. A Lesson in Shambles

    Derek Bradley, CEO of Panacea Adviser, fumes about, oooh, just about everything……  Over a year after the retail distribution review (RDR) has…

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    Cape Crusader – Robert Shiller

    Robert James Shiller Born March 1946 in Detroit, Michigan. Currently teaching at Yale A proper mathematical logician Yes, the Thinkers column is…

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    America Eyes the East

    What Does 2014 Hold for US-Chinese Relationships? Michael Wilson Assesses the Prospects Welcome to the Year of the Horse, which started on…

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    Better Times for George

    One country that hasn’t needed to beat its breast too badly is Britain, where January brought more good news for Chancellor George…

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    News Shorts for January

    1)     A severe cold snap in the US and repeated flooding in Britain were expected to impact on retail sales performances and…

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    Uncharted Territory

    You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, says Brian Tora. What will QE leave us with? 2013 may have come…

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    Viking Vigilantes

    Aviva Investors’ Nick Samouilhan steers a course through troubled water:     Throughout the ninth and tenth centuries, Vikings rampaged along the UK and…

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    2014 – Old Mutual’s Views

    Where will the FTSE100 be in 2014? At the end of 2012, Richard Buxton, head of UK equities at Old Mutual Global…

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