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    Advisers Make Good Fee Progress, But…!

    Advisers are making good progress in switching to a fee-based charging structure says a FundsNetwork survey. But the research also revealed that…

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    Hard-Sell Tactics Remain

    Hard-sell tactics within the financial sector are meant to be a thing of the past, but it would appear that the Lloyds…

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    A Room Without A View

    Having to stay at Gatwick recently on a business trip, I chose a hotel which proudly announced that the majority of its…

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    Death Star Neutralised

    The City of London death star has been neutralised. In case you’re wondering which death star, as though you might have missed…

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    Victorian Values

    Michael Wilson wonders how our antecedents would have coped with the pace of modern life? The house where I live was once occupied…

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    Client Richard Harvey continues his cinematic theme with a somewhat more complimentary observation about advisers  …..Meanwhile, my IFA mate Nigel – the…

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    A Few Boos From the Audience

     Transparency? Long-suffering client Richard Harvey reels off a celluloid complaint or two Tsk, tsk, tsk ladies and gents. We really aren’t sticking…

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    The Art of Predicting Returns….Or Is It A Science?

     Paul Fidell, Senior Business Development Manager at Prudential, says we shouldn’t try to fool ourselves Often we believe that we are better than…

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    Too Much Complacency

    Yes, if you thought things were getting a little too cosy for comfort on the volatility front recently, it turns out that…

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    Kondratiev : Wrong Time, Wrong Place

    Nikolai Dmitriyevich Kondratiev, Wave Theorist. Born March 1892 in Kostroma, near Moscow. Shot by Josef Stalin in September 1938   Cyclical theory pioneer…

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