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    Asos, Alas

    Michael Wilson isn’t surprised that the market is getting its knickers in a twist It isn’t every day that a listed company…

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    No Entry for Ed Balls

    You had to feel some sympathy for Ed Balls the other day. Being in opposition is never easy and there he was,…

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    Lessons from the Champ

    The great Muhammad Ali didn’t just rely on those lightning jabs and will-o’-the-wisp feet to make him the best boxer the world…

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    Auto-Enrolment – The First Half

    : Steve Bee Hammers Home The Facts About Auto-Enrolment The three millionth person to be auto-enrolled was an employee of West Ham…

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    England To Crash Out?

    So Brazil will win the World Cup, or at least that’s what Goldman Sachs would have us believe. In fact, the investment…

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    Let Me Be Your Tech Department

    A little something from SimplyBiz to brighten up a gloomy Tuesday: You never know what talents you’ll find in this profession. The attached…

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    Ayn Rand, Libertarian Beacon

    Born 1905 in St Petersburg, Russia. Died 1982 in New York A Novelist as Economist? It’s just too easy to dismiss Ayn…

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    The Shipping Forecast

    ‘Tis a Perfect Storm Coming, Me Hearties. Michael Wilson Checks Out the Dodgy Macro-Economic Omens From Bulk Carrier Rates I can tell…

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    Neil Woodford on AstraZeneca

    Neil Woodford, Head of Investment, Woodford Investment Management, comments on Pfizer’s recent bid for AstraZeneca Pfizer’s recent bid approach for AstraZeneca has presented…

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    Gill Cardy Puts the Boot In

    Or boots, should we say? The indefatigable Gill Cardy, former CEO of the IFA Centre and staunch defender of the smaller IFA, is…

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