Global Returns Project launches £150k Ready for Earth Day fundraiser for climate charities

Image of a wildfire.
  • As of 27/2/24, the Global Returns Project has achieved 47% of its initiative target amount. 
  • The Global Returns Project is on track to double its donations raised this financial year, compared with 2022/23. 

The Global Returns Project (GRP), a UK-registered charity making it easy to donate to the world’s highest impact climate change organisations, announces its 2024 ‘Pre-Earth Day’ campaign, aiming to raise £150k for its best-in-class climate charities before the end of March. 

Every April, Earth Day brings much talk about the Climate Crisis, but not enough meaningful action. In the meantime, high-impact climate mitigation charities lack the funding necessary to take full advantage of this ‘Decisive Decade’ for the planet. Four subsequent reports from ClimateWorks Foundation have found that less than 2% of global philanthropic giving goes towards climate mitigation efforts.

Meeting the campaign goal of £150k will:

  • Protect 9,542 acres of rainforest in the Democratic Republic of Congo through Rainforest Trust, storing over 2.17 million tonnes of CO2e;
  • Grow 8,333 of the right trees in the right places with Trillion Trees, helping bring back vital habitat for endangered species;
  • Help Blue Marine Foundation’s policy team advocate for an end to overfishing and deliver appropriate protection for 283,000 km2 of UK waters;
  • Help Whale and Dolphin Conservation protect Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) in the Abrolhos Bank and Northeast Arabian Sea;
  • Allow Global Canopy to conduct 15 assessments of companies’ actions on deforestation in their supply chains and help launch a new Accountability Hub for its innovative data tools;
  • And empower environmental lawyers at ClientEarth to continue advocating for EU climate actions.

Jack Chellman, Chief Project Officer, Global Returns Project, said: We think this year’s pre-Earth Day campaign gives individuals and corporates an incredible opportunity to deliver real climate successes before the end of March. In that way, Earth Day in April can be about real, meaningful action that’s been taken – not just ambition. 


Given that we’re nearly 50% of the way towards the campaign goal, it’s clear that there’s real momentum for this kind of identifiable environmental impact this year. We’re looking forward to sharing the successes delivered by the campaign when we reach our goal.”

Donations to the campaign can be made in the first instance via its JustGiving page. 100% of every donation will be distributed to the charities, with no deductions taken by the Global Returns Project. Donations made via JustGiving will be split equally between the Global Returns Project’s six climate charities. All donors receive exclusive impact reports every six months and will be invited to an in-person event in London.

Follow the link to find out more about GRP’s best-in-class charities and what specific actions this pre-Earth Day initiative will achieve:

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