Welcome to the combined September issue of IFA Magazine and GBI Magazine, and you will see we have been busy over the summer as it is packed full of content for you.
Right off you will find an interview with Fund Manager John William Olsen on the launch of M&G’s new Positive Impact Fund. Prudential take us through the genesis of the ISA, and Investec announce their 100th launch. 2020 was certainly the Summer of Zoom, and we have links to three fascinating webinars we’ve been hosting; the first in a series focused on model portfolios, and the first two in GBI Magazine’s series of EIS discussions.
And talking about model portfolios, we have another exclusive instalment from our MPS Report by Tony Catt. George Cliff from Clever Adviser offers food for thought in the field of forecasting and estimating, while Richard Harvey wonders whether we may have seen the last of the 08.17 from Purley.
We explore how an M&G investment fund can make a positive difference to the world we live in while also delivering a return. Jessica Franks, Head of Tax at Octopus Investments, explains a valuable relief for clients who have sold a business in the last three years and Octopus shares with us the reasons why tax reliefs are available on some investments.
Our regular contributor and communications expert Faith Liversedge offers a quick fix to improve your practice’s image overnight. Finally, we’ve put together the latest career opportunities available in our sector, and our regular Open Offers section lists what’s currently available for subscription.
So whether you’re working from home or you are back to the office here’s to a fantastic Autumn and in the words of Linford Christie let’s get going “on the B of the Bang“
Best wishes,
Alex Sullivan
Publishing Director IFA Magazine