Our last edition of 2019 brings you the insight and opinions of a range of market professionals with their thinking when it comes to their expectations for 2020. Our own Mike Wilson kicks things off as he reflects on all the current uncertainty to try and analyse what 2020 might have in store for the global economy and investment markets. We’re also grateful to Brian Tora and our host of other contributors for sharing their 2020 visions with us. But there’s so much more – including analysis on the UK smaller companies sector, conversation with Charles Griffith about PruFund funds as well as all the usual features and favourites. Seasons greetings all our readers – and a Happy New Year – whatever it brings.
Something we know for sure is that the coming general election, the ongoing Brexit uncertainty and the continuing worry over the climate emergency are all throwing a whole new light on the end-of-year planning and decision making that financial planning businesses will typically be in the throes of just at the moment.
I have to admit that the IFA Magazine office’s crystal ball is looking even more foggy than usual so I must confess that we cannot promise you a particularly clear vision of certainty at this moment in time. We can, however, offer you the insight and opinions of a range of market professionals to find out what they are thinking when it comes to their expectations for 2020. Our own Mike Wilson kicks things off as he reflects on all the current uncertainty to try and analyse what 2020 might have in store for the global economy and investment markets. We’re also grateful to Brian Tora and our host of other contributors for sharing their 2020 visions with us.
So much has happened over the past fifteen years, with bull and bear markets playing their part in strengthening investors’ views in all sorts of different ways. The PruFund Growth Life Fund has served investors well since it was launched fifteen years ago this November. To celebrate this landmark anniversary, we talk to Charles Griffith, Head of Multi Asset Portfolio Management, at M&G Treasury & Investment Office, about the investment strategy behind the PruFund funds and why he feels they are so well suited to today’s uncertain market conditions.
As we sign off for 2019, it falls to me to share Elton John’s message from way back in 1973 (yes, it was that long ago!) and to say: ‘take care in all you do next year, and keep smiling through the days. If we can help to entertain you, oh we will find the ways. So merry Christmas one and all.’ On behalf of the whole team here in Bristol, we wish all our IFA Magazine readers and contributors a relaxed and peaceful festive period as well as a happy, healthy and successful year in 2020 – whatever the winds of change might throw in your direction.
Sue Whitbread
IFA Magazine