55% of advisers say clients are more worried about their family’s financial predicament than their own

The increase in the cost of living is being felt by almost every household, but interestingly a survey of financial advisers highlighted that their clients are more worried about their adult children’s financial predicament than their own, according to over half (55%) of respondents.

The survey of over 200 financial advisers carried out by mutual life and pensions provider, Royal London, revealed interesting insight about the impact the cost of living was having on their clients.

While around half (53%) of advisers report that clients are making adjustments to their finances as a result of cost of living rises, one of the main requests for a quarter (25%) of advisers was from clients who want to release funds to help their adult children cope with the rising cost of living. The top request, in the context of the rising cost of living, was to help make sure investments kept up with inflation, according to two fifths (40%) of advisers. 

In terms of accessing additional money, over half (55%) have clients who are tapping into their pension savings to boost their disposable income, with around a third (36%) increasing the amount of drawdown cash they took, a third (33%) taking an additional lump sum for themselves and about a fifth (18%) taking a lump sum specifically to help their children.

While clients are worried about the impact on their children and have a strong desire to help them, they are also very conscious about running out of money over the course of their retirement, and need to strike the right balance.


Clare Moffat, Pensions Expert at Royal London says: “The cost of living crisis means many grown up children are relying on a financial leg up from their parents to cope with rising costs. While it’s tempting to use retirement cash to help family, it should come with a note of caution. There’s a real danger that it will compromise parents’ long term retirement security and impact their overall retirement – ultimately spending more now will mean spending less later.

“For today’s young adults, life long-term financial planning looks very different to the journey their parents took. Reaching key financial milestones, like buying a house, involves a much longer wait than previous generations. While it’s natural for parents to help, the right balance needs to be struck. Dipping into your pension pot and withdrawing funds early can have a dramatic impact on your overall retirement. It can also make it harder to build a pension pot back up in future.”

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