The annual Bristol 10k run takes place this year on Sunday 31st May, says Mike Peirce at The Southmead Project, which provides support and therapy for adult survivors of abuse ( Will you help?
Okay, here’s your big chance to get fit, have some fun and raise much-needed money for at the same time – running (or, like me, walking) the annual Bristol 10k that takes place this year on Sunday 31st May 2015.
Last year, in our third year of taking part, the Southmead Project had 25 volunteers who helped to raise nearly £5k.This year we’re going for even more, so we’re looking for more participants -and, of course, more backers.
What’s It All About?
You can’t have missed the enormous press/media coverage recently about the impact of child abuse and the sheer extent of the problem across the UK. With this charity at the forefront, providing the necessary therapeutic and practical support to survivors of child abuse for over twenty years, demands upon our service regularly outstrips our capacity to deliver.
We now have a twelve-week waiting list that continues to grow, putting enormous pressure and stress on both our staff and our service users alike. This really is not OK.
The problems associated with child abuse and the subsequent complex post-traumatic stress experienced by survivors are extremely difficult to overcome without appropriate support such as Southmead provides. Every week seems to being new revelations about abuse in the press – and, while this helps in some ways by raising people’s awareness of the problem, it also brings with it many more victims and survivors seeking support.
How Do I Take Part?
First you’ll need to book yourself into the 10k event via the Bristol 10k web site:, and to (initially) pay the entry fee. Then, ideally on the day of the run, we’ll all meet up early for distribution of sought-after T shirts, photo shoot, a stirring team talk and Zumba style warm up. And then it’s off to the starting positions.
You’ll notice that the speedier types get the glory spots up front, whereas the rather more leisurely-inclined people like me go for the back-market slots.
After the jaunt we then gather to share heroic tales of glory or sad tales of woe whilst taking refreshment. Only those people who take part and who secure sponsorship have the option of being reimbursed their entry expenses. We even get a free massage to ease our tired bodies – what more could anyone ask for?
Sponsoring the Southmead Project
We’ve said a little about the Southmead Project’s work, but do take a look at the web site (, where you’ll find successive annual reports together with other useful information.
If your company would like to sponsor the charity, and to have its name proudly displayed on the T shirts, you’re most welcome to contact me for further details on 07765 129903. A sure source of media exposure!
I do hope you’ll consider this invitation, and I’ll look forward very much to your response.
Mike Peirce