Are we experiencing a throwback to the 1970s? It certainly feels a bit like that at the moment. And for those of you, like me, who are old enough to remember the 1970s era, I’d warrant that you will not only remember this album from Supertramp, but also the lurching from crisis to crisis that was so prolific back then.
So let’s admit it, facing crisis upon crisis is getting rather tiring. We guess that a certain resident of Downing Street might agree with such a sentiment but we will give that whole sorry saga a wide berth for now lest it breaks into a rant. Whether it’s the ongoing climate crisis, the global economic crisis, the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine, or even the implications of the new BA5 variant leading to a sharp rise in Covid-19 infections, there are plenty of reasons for the advice profession to be feeling the pressure. The world is living with huge uncertainty and for IFA Magazine readers trying to help clients to navigate the best path through these different crises must be hugely demanding.
The summer slowdown
On a brighter note, as the good old British summer season beckons, many of us – including your esteemed IFA Magazine team here in Bristol- will be looking forward to a few weeks off work and some well-deserved downtime.
It’s a good time therefore to sit down with this latest edition of IFA Magazine and digest the opinions, analysis and views of our expert contributors. As always, our thanks go to them for sharing their thoughts with us.
Turn the pages
In this summer edition, we’ve been talking to TISA’s Prakash Chandramohan about the FCA’s proposed changes to the FSCS, and also to IFA Paul Haines about working with a specialist insurer. We bring you the results of our Intergenerational Planning survey carried out in conjunction with Pru, and talk to Sarasin about their responsible MPS.
Time for action
With rule changes just around the corner to register non-taxable trusts, now is the time for action for trustees as Laura Bywater explains on page 26. Also with the FCA taking immediate action on customer vulnerability, Comentis’ Jonathan Barrett explains what this means for advice firms and why immediate action is needed here too.
IFA Talk
Of course, if you’d rather hear the spoken word, then do check out our revamped weekly podcast, IFA Talk. We’ve had some great conversations already and all are available to listen in. Why not take us with you when you’re out on a walk or in the car? Visit to tune in.
Sue Whitbread
Editor, IFA Magazine