
Meeting client demands around sustainability

A rising tide

According to Google Analytics, the site is clearly growing in popularity. The latest six-monthly report tells us that it has been visited 16,000 times by 10,000 unique users in the first half of 2021. During 2020 Fund EcoMarket had 17,000 unique users who carried out 26,000 searches. Use of the site during 2020 was c45% higher than in 2019. As intermediaries focus on the use and integration of sustainable investment funds grows, it is likely that the resources provided by Julia and her team will prove to be even more popular.

How can fund EcoMarket help you and your business?

The laudible aim of Fund EcoMarket’s business is to help change how people invest. The purpose of the Fund EcoMarket tool is to ensure that all intermediaries have easy access to comprehensive information on sustainable, responsible, ethical and ESG fund strategies that they can match to client aims.

Their ‘open to all’ approach means that everyone has the ability to invest in line with their personal opinions, be ‘part of the solution’, and help accelerate the urgently needed shift towards sustainable lifestyles. Fund EcoMarket is designed for intermediaries but open to all. It is free to use thanks to the support of 19 fund management groups: Rathbones, Liontrust, Pictet, Sarasin & Partners, Triodos, Quilter Cheviot, Unicorn, M&G, Janus Henderson, Aegon, WHEB, Foresight, EdenTree, Aberdeen Standard, BMO, BNY Mellon, Fidelity, Stewart Investors and Jupiter.

Partner funds are listed first and display their logos – however Fund EcoMarket makes every effort to include all relevant regulated, retail, onshore funds in order to assist IFAs and other intermediaries.


About Julia Dreblow and SRI Services

Julia has worked full time in sustainable and responsible investment since 1996, having first become involved in 1991. SRI Services was set up in 2009 – shortly after leaving Friends Provident, where she had been their SRI marketing manager (and related roles) for 12 years. SRI Services’ main focus is the Fund EcoMarket fund tool, however we are also involved in related specialist consultancy (mainly with DFMs and platforms) as well as running events and working with others including UKSIF, the BSI and PIMFA. SRI Services is not authorised or regulated. They do not offer advice and do not deal with individual investors. The information they provide is ‘for information only’ and not to be considered advice of any kind.  SRI Services is the trading name of SRI Consultants Ltd.

For more information see www.FundEcoMarket.co.uk



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