Four potential operators of pensions dashboards (Just Group, Legal & General, Moneyhub and Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group) are coming together to instigate a new industry coalition.
Members of the Dashboard Operators Coalition (DOC) will collaborate with each other, with government, and with regulators, to support the launch of highly effective dashboards to consumers as early as possible.
All potential operators of commercial dashboards are welcome to join the Coalition, as they commit to offering their own pensions dashboards: contact for details.
What is the Dashboard Operators Coalition (DOC) for?
Dashboards are new to the UK, but there is strong international evidence demonstrating the key ingredient for successful delivery is deep collaboration. International learnings include:
- commercial dashboards are popular, representing 95%* of all dashboards usage, and
- varied consumer feedback on dashboards is essential, both during pre-launch usability testing, and on an ongoing basis to inform post-launch enhancements.
Working closely with government and regulators, the Dashboard Operators Coalition (DOC) will:
- support the safe, secure and successful early launch of multiple pensions dashboards
- help ensure dashboards meet different users’ needs effectively at launch, and
- provide rich consumer feedback to inform future iterative dashboards enhancements.
Together, the DOC will help address the numerous remaining challenges around testing, launching and iterating highly effective dashboards for consumers.
Some critical topics haven’t yet had detailed attention. Collaboration on these points will prove very beneficial for all parties, but most importantly for a good consumer experience of dashboards, such as:
- Pre-Connection Audit (PCA) scope: agreeing the optimal scope of statutory PCAs so dashboards’ adherence to PDP Standards delivers a consistent consumer experience
- Identity Service integration: optimising dashboards’ integration with the central Identity and Consent Services for a seamless, yet secure, consumer user journey
- DAP readiness assessment: supporting the Secretary of State’s assessment to make the Dashboards Available Point (DAP) launch notice as early as possible for consumers
- Post-launch enhancements: providing rich and varied consumer feedback to inform iterative enhancements to dashboards, as has happened with European dashboards.
Why is the Dashboard Operators Coalition (DOC) being established now?
The DOC is being set up now as, earlier in March, new HM Treasury enabling legislation came into force which made “Operating a pensions dashboard service” a brand new FCA-regulated activity.
The DOC is initially being instigated by four firms, but all other organisations are welcome to join the Coalition as they commit to offering their own pensions dashboards.
Organisations interested in finding out more should contact
Who’s behind the Coalition?
Independent Dashboards Consultant Richard Smith is leading this initiative. Richard led the development of the PDP Data Standards for dashboards in 2019/20, and is currently actively supporting the PLSA, PASA and Moneyhub on dashboards. Richard also did an independent research tour of 5 continental dashboards teams in 2023 who all said: “Collaboration is key!”.
Quotes, in alphabetical order of organisation:
Independent Dashboards Consultant, and DOC Chair, Richard Smith, said:
“My research tour of five continental pensions dashboards teams in 2023 confirmed to me that launching dashboards is a highly challenging endeavour. But the key to getting them done is very close collaboration, both across the industry, and also between industry and government.
“On the supply of data to dashboards, the Pensions Administration Standards Association (PASA) is working very closely with the government’s Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP). Now, for the ‘front-end’ consumer experience of dashboards themselves, there needs to be an equivalent industry coalition, where dashboard operators can come together to share their questions, ideas and feedback to develop and maintain best practice for operating dashboards.
“We know from research reports that consumers desperately want to use commercial pensions dashboards, on apps they already use and trust (such as their banking or pension app). And they want to do this as soon as possible. So I’m very grateful to the first four firms (Just Group, Legal & General, Moneyhub and Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group) for taking the lead with this new Coalition. I hope other firms will see the benefits of joining the Coalition too, as they decide to offer their own dashboards.”
Just Group Marketing and Distribution Director, and HUB Group CEO, David Cooper said:
“Just Group sees pensions dashboards as a critical building block to help consumers engage with their retirement savings. Through the Dashboard Operators Coalition we aim to accelerate learnings and insights capture across the industry so that commercial dashboards meet customer needs and fulfil their incredible potential.”
Legal & General Managing Director of Workplace Katharine Photiou said:
“With more than five million workplace pension members, Legal & General has long maintained that the introduction of pensions dashboards is the key to better retirement outcomes. As one of the first providers to test the technology and the processes needed to establish the foundations of a dashboards ecosystem, we have remained committed to dashboards’ potential to help people stay connected with their pots and take stock of their overall savings.
“As an industry, we need to come together to make sure that the introduction of dashboards really shifts the dial on how people plan and prepare for retirement. We will put the full weight of our experience behind the efforts of the DOC to help make pensions dashboards a success from day one.”
Money & Pensions Service (MaPS) Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) Principal Chris Curry, said:
“The theme running throughout the delivery of pensions dashboards is that we’ll make a success of them by working together. The Pensions Dashboards Programme welcomes initiatives that foster greater collaboration between industry, regulators and government. The development of dashboards will be a crucial step to giving people the tools to enhance engagement with their pensions, and we’ll continue to work closely with all organisations looking to become dashboard providers.”
Moneyhub Chief Executive Officer Sam Seaton said:
“International evidence strongly shows that consumers prefer to see all their pensions in a familiar, trusted app they already use, such as a banking, pension, or money management app.
“Through Open Finance, these apps also enable connections to users’ other finances, showing consumers the broader context of their financial position as it develops over their lifetime.
“So, as an industry, we urgently need to collaborate to launch commercial pensions dashboards for consumers as soon as possible. Working with the FCA and PDP, the Dashboard Operators Coalition will be instrumental in bringing an open and collaborative environment to commercial pensions dashboards, and in doing so, help millions of consumers achieve a healthier financial future.”
Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group, Workplace Managing Director Gail Izat said:
“I’m delighted that we will be a founding member of the Dashboard Operators Coalition. We are committed to providing a Pensions Dashboard for our customers as soon as possible and cooperation amongst industry to solve some of the remaining issues should help dashboards launch. Pensions Dashboards represent a once in a generation chance to move the dial on pensions engagement, so it is crucial that government and industry get it right.”