Premier Miton’s Ian Rees to lead multi-manager team

From 1 July 2024, Ian Rees, who has been part of Premier Miton’s multi-manager team for nearly 20 years, will take on the role of sole head of the team, with responsibility for the range of eight multi-manager funds, including Premier Miton’s flagship Multi-Asset Distribution Fund, which was launched back in 1995.

Ian joined Premier Miton in September 2000 and has worked within the multi-asset multi manager team since 2005, more recently as co-head of the team with David Hambidge. David will continue to Chair the team’s Macro & Markets meetings which feed into all the multi-manager fund strategies, as well as attending fund research and sector meetings, with Ian taking the lead on the day-to-day management of the funds.

There are no other changes to the multi-manager team.

Ian Rees, commented:


“I am delighted to be taking on the role of head of Premier Miton’s multi-manager team. We have a well-established team and a proven investment approach that has been honed over many years of managing multi-asset multi-manager income, growth and risk-targeted funds at Premier Miton. Investors can feel reassured that the funds will continue to be managed in the same way, using the team’s broad experience and specialist skills to deliver good investment outcomes for our clients.”

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