54% of employees are stressed at work – Companies Need To Offer More Support


Stress Awareness Month 2024 takes place throughout April. Research conducted by Casinos IN provides insight into the stress at work statistics, using data from a Lattice poll, to determine what companies and employees can do to help manage stress levels and how they can de-stress inside and outside the workplace.

Benjamin Trainor, a spokesperson from Casinos IN, said: “It’s worrying to see the increasing number of people experiencing stress inside the workplace. 54% of people are stressed at work, with 11% reporting that the stress is significant and taking a toll on their work and life. Companies and organisations need to do more to support their employees.“

How Stress Is Affecting Different Age Demographics

The data shows that those under 35 are the most stressed age group, with 32% being burnt out at work in their current role.

Over 55s are less stressed than under 35s, and 8% of those under 35s reported their stress as significant


6% of those over 55 and 14% under 35 stated they are significantly stressed.

Reported Factors That Help De-stress In Work

According to Lattice Poll, the best things to do to de-stress at work are:

  • Flexible work policies (44% of people said this)
  • Trust by their manager (40% of people said this)
  • Regular praise (31% of people said this)
  • Defined responsibilities (28% of people said this)
  • Positive work culture (26% of people said this)

Stress Coping Mechanisms Outside Of Work

The best things to do outside of work are prioritising things you enjoy, most people who are stressed at work do activities like seeing friends, doing exercise or going on a hike. Embracing activities that bring joy and time for a mental break is crucial for managing stress outside the workplace. Enjoying hobbies, spending quality time with loved ones, exercising, or simply being outdoors can significantly reduce stress levels.

How Managers Affect Work Stress


It is reported that 42% of employees feel their employer does not believe their stress will affect their work.

Also, according to Lattice Poll, 38% of employees believed their employer did not care about their stress levels

What Can Managers Do To Reduce These Numbers?

Managers can positively affect stress with understanding, realistic targets and positive feedback.

However, it is important to mention that managers are also experiencing high levels of stress. According to Forbes, 35% of managers or team leaders are stressed at work, and 42% of this is because of the stress they put on themselves.


What Can Organisations Do To Reduce These Numbers?

Benjamin believes “organisations should have a HR department that shows interest in their employees”. “Perhaps they can adopt new in-house strategies like weekly meetings or emails to employees that they can fill out describing how they feel.”

For example, the form could include a chart with different stress level percentages, and employees can highlight which level they believe they are at currently. Those who are highly stressed can then be contacted by managers and other hierarchy members to discuss the reasons for their stress and come up with solutions to reduce this.

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