“The Russian invasion of Ukraine will decimate global stockmarkets.” That’s the view of Antonia Medlicott, Finance Editor at the financial comparison website, InvestingReviews.co.uk following today’s news that Russian ground troops have now crossed the border into Ukraine:
“Unsurprisingly, investors stampeded into safe haven assets, with bond yields collapsing and precious metals, such as gold and silver, soaring. It’s no overstatement to say Europe has just entered its most dangerous period since WW2. Market volatility will be extreme in the short-term.
The people of Ukraine are rightly front of mind and the call to arms is something few thought they would see in their lifetime.
Domestically, with the oil price rising above $100, the cost of living crisis is set to deepen for UK households.
For people globally, it’s hard to compute what they are seeing on their TV screens. Putin has crossed the Rubicon.”