A Look Forward to 2019 | Dec ’18 / Jan ’19 | Issue 74

O come all ye faithful

Bah humbug. Now we know that Christmas is supposed to be a time for giving, sharing and of good will to all men – and women of course. It’s also pretty clear that not everyone subscribes to that train of thought, as Mrs May will probably attest. It’s been two and a half years since the UK voted to leave the EU. s this edition of IFA Magazine goes to press there are so many scenarios which might play out. Whether or not the outcome of the process will result in Mrs May’s deal ultimately being signed off by the UK parliament in December is anyone’s guess. Will the UK population face a second referendum or a general election? What about no deal? It’s all as clear as your Christmas eggnog. With Mrs May struggling to find many faithful supporters– let alone being joyful or triumphant – these next few months are going to be interesting to say the least.

So, what about those faithful IFA Magazine readers who may be trying to work out what on earth this all means for asset allocation decisions and assumptions for the impact on clients’ financial plans going forward ? As always, such decisions are based on making the best assumptions you can with the information that you have available. At least that doesn’t change. Whilst we don’t have all the answers for you, at least we can offer up some perspective, opinion and analysis in these pages to help you consider what lies ahead.

If you read the news headlines, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the global economy is on a bit of a rollercoaster ride. With hostile winds of trade wars, Brexit, Chinese debt problems, tensions between Italy and the EU, jittery stock markets and a whole lot more. There again, according to the IMF, the global economy is on track to grow a healthy 3.7% in 2018 – the same as 2017 – and indeed they forecast the same again for 2019. Still clear as that Christmas eggnog?


In this month’s edition of IFA Magazine, Michael Wilson dusts down his crystal ball and looks ahead to what 2019 may have in store for investors. When it comes to fixed interest, we ask whether there is likely to be pain ahead for bond markets. Thanks to Brian Tora, Miton’s David Jane and Merian’s Nick Wall for giving us their opinions on this particular topic.

As you flick through this digital edition, there’s plenty more reading material on a range of different themes. This includes the usual pearls of wisdom from Brett Davidson, some useful end of year business strategy planning tips from Louise Jeffreys of Gunner & Co., an interview with Barry Downes of Sure Ventures and a whole lot more.

In the meantime, it remains for me to say a very big thank you to all those who have contributed articles for us throughout 2018. We really appreciate you sharing your opinions, insight and knowledge with us. Also, we extend seasonal thanks to all our readers and supporters. We hope that you have a restful Christmas and a happy new year – whatever the Brexit winds blow in our direction.

Sue Whitbread
IFA Magazine


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