Client Richard Harvey continues his cinematic theme with a somewhat more complimentary observation about advisers 

thumbs up photo…..Meanwhile, my IFA mate Nigel – the only man I know whose glass can be half full and half empty at the same – points out there is a danger of disclosure overkill.

According to him (and this was divulged after several glasses had been comprehensively emptied), it’s possible that even an ages-old investment made on behalf of a long-disappeared client, which nets him a princely 50p in ongoing monthly commission, will have to be justified by a regular disclosure update.

Despite this, Nige was in buoyant mode, and kept re-filling the glasses in celebration of the fact that he’d been hired by a new client, grateful that he’d been able to untangle her complex financial affairs.


Rummaging through a dusty box of documents, the lady had asked why her bank kept sending her letters suggesting she moved some of her current account cash to deposit. “The last time I looked, I had £20,000 in there”, she said.

Further investigation by Nige revealed that, actually, the amount was nearer £58,000, and he was able to find a home for some of that, in a manner likely to significantly better the return on a bank deposit account.

Now all he has to do is ensure that the lady is clearer in her mind about the fees he will charge than about the whereabouts of significant slabs of her own money.



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