Happy Christmas (is the war over?) | IFAM94/GBI23 | December/January 2021

Perhaps the best Christmas cracker of a gift that any of us could have hoped for in this most difficult of years was the wonderful news that clever scientists around the world have developed an effective Covid-19 vaccine. It looks like a case of a bleak mid-winter for now and the war against Covid-19 isn’t yet over but at least we have hope. That’s why for this edition of our magazine, we decided on a nice, bright cheerful image for our front cover which we hope will lift your Christmas spirits just a tiny bit. Of course, there are still plenty of unknowns as to when and how the resulting vaccination programme might happen once regulatory approval is – hopefully granted. There are big challenges still to be faced around the logistics of getting the world’s population vaccinated.


How the world and the world of financial advice and investment will respond and react in 2021 is a big unanswered question. The greater use of technology has been nothing short of spectacular but will the new working practices which we have collectively embedded this year help to drive change in a positive way? The way that people and businesses have adapted to the need for working from home, how we’ve used web-based platforms for team meetings, client contact and even conferences has been transformational. Of course, there are other areas of our working practice which are harder to adapt online. I, for one, really miss the connection with friends, family, colleagues and the financial planning community at large. All this isolation takes its toll but when we are able to meet up safely again, face to face, the chances are we will value it all the more.


In this edition of IFA and GBI Magazine, we hope that youwill find plenty practical information and ideas that we hope will provide you with, not only a good read over the Christmas period, but also some sound take-aways that you can use within your advice business in 2021 and beyond.


As we approach Christmas and 2021, we cannot help but reflect back on what has been such a difficult year for all of us as a result of Covid-19. It’s been incredibly tough for so many facing health problems, the loss of loved ones, restrictions on our lives and economic pressures which have been – and still are – considerable. These will continue to impact for many years to come as the global economy tries to come to terms with the consequences. And I’ve tried not to mention the “B” word, but with no immediate sign of a Brexit deal with our EU partners, we can only hope that the situation will be resolved soon.

On behalf of the whole team here in Bristol, we wish all our IFA and GBI Magazine readers, contributors and supporters a relaxed and peaceful festive period as well as a happier, healthy and successful New Year. As John Lennon so beautifully put it “let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.” We’re with you on that one John – wherever you are.


Best wishes,

Sue Whitbread
IFA Magazine

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