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HSBC Life (UK) Limited is expanding its Value-Added Benefits (VABs) to include policyholders’ partners as part of its ongoing commitment to providing wellbeing and peace of mind for customers. The VABs include mental health services, unlimited 24/7 digital GP, second medical opinions, remote physiotherapy, and an annual health check. They are available to HSBC Life UK’s existing and new protection customers who purchased their cover via intermediary distribution partners including price comparison websites. 

Policyholders’ dependents will also have access to digital GP appointments and second medical opinions. In addition, dependents aged 16-23 will be eligible for mental health services. 

According to research from our provider, Square Heath, 36% of digital GP appointments are scheduled outside typical working hours. Additionally, 90% of appointments are successfully booked within three working hours. It’s worth noting that children’s health concerns contribute to being the third most common reason for scheduling appointments. This data underscores the efficiency and accessibility offered by our healthcare services.

Richard Waters, Head of Protection Distribution at HSBC Life (UK) Ltd, said: We understand the importance of staying at the forefront as a leading protection provider. That’s why we are constantly evolving our protection proposition. We believe it is really important that our customers are able to maintain their wellbeing by knowing how to access and use these Value Added Benefits. As such, we distribute a reminder on the six month anniversary of customers’ policies, and we include details of the benefits in their annual statements. We want our customers to use these services for prevention rather than cure.”


Table shows summary of HSBC Life UK’s Value-Added Benefits: 

               Policy type  Health service PolicyholderPolicyholder’s partner Policyholder dependent under the age of 16Policyholder dependent between 16 and 23
Unlimited Digital GP üüüü
Second Medical Opinionüüüü
Remote Physiotherapyüü  
Health Checküü  
Mental Health Servicesüü ü

Table shows yearly allowances:

Allowances are shared between all family members who have access.

Health ServiceYearly allowance
Digital GPUnlimited
Second Medical Opinion2
Remote Physiotherapy8
Health Check*1
Mental Health Services8

*Health Check allowance is 1 per year and that can be used by either the customer or their partner. 


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