pete_IFAMAG reads Twitter so you don’t have to.

Managing Director of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, advises a delay on Brexit negotiations. IMF also release new data on the “massive” public debt following Coronavirus. In more Brexit news Romanian fruit pickers flown to Britain to help with harvest after calls for Brits went unanswered.

@faisalislam announced interview on the IMF Georgieva story this morning on his Twitter.


@ianmartin1 is a Brexiteer and agrees with IMF. Check out this string for interesting viewpoints and discussion on the topic.

@ChrisGiles highlights a potential public debt crisis after new IMF data is revealed.


The Guardian release article on fruit picker shortage today. The problem faced by British food industry is not an anomaly in Europe but it has inflamed discussions over immigration and economy.

This has vexed many on Twitter and set off an outpooring of comments. @jacqdodman suggests it’s a failure of Brits on a call to arms whilst lamenting NHS volunteers going to waist.


Finally, the first big six accountancy firm has announced furloguhed staff, measures to cut cost. This is a developing story, more can be found here.

Let us know what your thoughts are on these tweets.

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