We are delighted to announce that King & Shaxson Ethical Investing have received various Defaqto Risk Ratings across their Model Portfolios.
Defaqto is an independent financial information business and technology business, helping financial institutions and financial advisers make better informed decisions. They have been rating companies for over 25 years.
King & Shaxson want to help advisers make better informed decisions. Defaqto independently rate risk-bound multi-asset funds with their risk levels. These ratings enable advisers to match portfolios to their clients’ risk profiles.
Risk Ratings are numbered from 2 to 10, where 2 is a solution that has a very cautious investment approach, and 10 a speculative approach. These match Defaqto’s client Risk Profiles.
King & Shaxsons Risk Ratings range from a more cautious balanced risk profile of 4 to a more adventurous level of 8.
These ratings will help clients and financial planning businesses who are keen to integrate Ethical investment portfolios and have embedded Defaqto Engage as part of their overall risk analysis. The Risk Ratings can be found below:
If you would like to learn more about King & Shaxson’s Discretionary ESG/Ethical Managed Portfolio check out their webinar here.