Nikko Asset Management (“Nikko AM”) today announces the expansion of its Green Bond capability. This provides investors a broader investment universe beyond SSA (Sovereign, Supranational, and Agency) Green Bonds, allowing for a wider variety of impact opportunities presented by the inclusion of Corporate issuers and of Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-Linked Bonds. The Fund is managed by the London-based Nikko AM Global Green Bond team, and leverages impact, reporting, and engagement insights from a dedicated Sustainable Investment team. 

“Nikko AM is a pioneer in the Green Bond investment space, having launched one of the world’s first Green Bond Funds in 2010,” said Andre Severino, Head of Global Fixed Income. “It is exciting to participate directly in addressing two environmental megatrends: climate change and loss of biodiversity. The proceeds from the bonds we hold will directly fund projects that promote nature and support positive climate change solutions.” 

The Luxembourg-domiciled Nikko AM Global Green Bond UCITS Fund (the “Fund”) is an SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) Article 9 Fund that provides investors access to Green and Sustainability Bonds through a diversified and actively managed portfolio. The new mandate of the Fund enables the Global Green Bond team to leverage over a decade of experience in Green Bonds to ensure that invested capital contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Climate Action. 


S&P Global projects that 2023 GSSSB (Green, Social, Sustainable, and Sustainability-linked Bond) issuance to be between $900 billion to $1 trillion, or 14% to 16% of total bond issuance. For more details, please see:

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