The gorillas at Bristol Zoo have new benefactors.

Financial Group Sanlam UK has signed a new sponsorship and partnership arrangement with Bristol Zoological Gardens. Sanlam will take naming rights of the Zoo’s world renowned Gorilla Island, which will become known as Sanlam Gorilla Island.

As part of the arrangement, Sanlam will assist in the promotion of the plight of the critically endangered western lowland gorilla. It will also help generate support for Bristol Zoo’s associated conservation projects across West Africa, especially in Cameroon.

Sanlam will also raise awareness for Bristol Zoo’s “Access to Nature” Bursary Scheme. This helps community groups with limited resources visit the Zoo.


Head of Marketing and PR at Sanlam UK) Giles Cross said: “When we began our conversations with Bristol Zoo it became evident that we wanted to do something significant that neither of us had done before; something that would go beyond a “simple sponsorship”. Bristol Zoo performs a vital role in promoting and supporting conservation; in educating people about the importance and value of the world around us, in creating understanding and empathy for animals and encouraging participation in the preservation of this planet. We’re looking forward to working with the Zoo and not only assisting in the growth of its Bursary Scheme but also encouraging other South West businesses to do the same.”

Head of Marketing and Development at Bristol Zoo Gardens Owain Cassidy said: “We’re thrilled to have partnered with Sanlam UK and are excited to not only have them as headline sponsors of Gorilla Island but as a key supporter for our Access to Nature bursary scheme, providing groups who would not normally have the resources an opportunity to visit the zoo and experience inspiring out-of-classroom learning. With the arrival of our new baby Western lowland gorilla we feel it’s a very poignant time and are proud to share this special time with Sanlam UK.”

Head of Corporate Engagement at Sanlam UK Lauren Tunnicliffe said: “Moving forward, all businesses need to look at becoming more sustainable. The future and wellbeing of our planet and our culture depend on it. We need to waste less, check our consumption and look at the “vapour trail” we create. We will use this partnership to assist us on our own journey to becoming a more sustainable business in the UK, following the fine example set by Sanlam around the world and will be encouraging other businesses across to region to join us on our journey.”

Head of Bristol Office at Sanlam Wealth Planning Colin Sutton said: “This is a really exciting partnership for our business and, speaking on behalf of my colleagues, we are delighted to be associated with an institution that has played such an important role in the lives of generations of people and created so many memories. As Sanlam we believe we have a duty of care; for our clients, our colleagues, for the environment, for everyone, for the greater good of us all. Our partnership with the Zoo will, I hope, make a major difference – it will raise awareness, encourage action and participation and create opportunities that otherwise may not have existed.”


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