Tax Efficient Investments within party manifestos, the snap election, and the battle for Number 10 – We asked our readers their thoughts on leading industry topics

As the UK General Election flies towards us, and the battle for number 10 continues, GBI & IFA Magazine’s regular question series poll also power’s ahead, our most recent question series focused once again on a diverse range of influential topics being widely discussed within the financial services industry. This weeks questions focused more heavily on the anticipated election in July along with the parties choices more specifically, such as party manifestos, the timing of the snap election, and whether or not industry hope is lost with trusting political parties. The full questions and results are listed below:

1) Do you think the party manifestos that have been released ahead of the upcoming election have addressed tax-efficient investments enough?

Question one focused on tax-efficient investments within the manifestos released by the parties running for government. When assessing the results, 80% of participants voted that they believe that the current manifestos do address tax efficient investments enough, with 20% voting that they feel that this has not been addressed nearly enough. With labour predicted to win by a clean sweep and leave the conservatives trailing behind, the party has offered no tax surprises, stating that they will also not increase national insurance, income rates or VAT.


2) Do you feel that the snap election was the right decision by Rishi Sunak, or much more of a mistake?

100% of participants voted that they believe this was the correct decision by the current prime minister, largely due to feeling that a change is desperately needed. 0% of participant voted that they believe Rishi Sunaks decision to call for a snap election to be a mistake, after 14 years in power, the Conservative Party have governed the United Kingdom, but upon concluding the figures from our recent poll, this is a stark contrast to suggest that currently, people are feeling that a change in government is needed more than ever.


3) Do you think the elected party will follow through on their manifestos once elected, or do you not hold much confidence in real change being implemented?

The results of the next question are also incredibly telling in terms of the current perception of trust for the parties, 70% of participants voted that they believe hope is lost in terms of holding confidence in real change being implemented, with 30% voting that they have faith in the majority of manifestos actually being implemented and acted upon. Time can only tell if the party claiming number 10 will truly stand firm on the key policies being pushed within their manifesto as the general election powers towards us.

As always, we would like to say a huge thank you to each and every one of our readers and followers who got involved with our most recent question series poll, we highly value being able to gain insight into our readers views and thoughts on many of the factors influencing our industry, so be sure to keep an eye out on our GBI Magazine, and IFA Magazine Twitter accounts next week for our next questions of focus! 


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