A third of grandparents contribute financially to the education of their grandchildren

With students settling back into school and university, new research from Paragon Bank has uncovered the extent to which grandparents are supporting their grandchildren financially through education.

Almost a third (32%) of grandparents are contributing towards university or school costs, with the majority (76%) supporting those at university and two-thirds (68%) helping those still at school.

Paragon’s survey of over 1,000 grandparents found the most common form of support (70%) was helping with general expenses associated with education, such as rent, food and books for those at university and books, clubs and uniforms for those attending school.

Over half (57%) said they contributed to school fees, with 40% to university tuition fees.


Drivers and cost

Seven in 10 grandparents say they want to support their grandchildren to improve their career opportunities, whilst 42% said that they didn’t want their grandchildren to leave university education with large debts.

A further one in 10 say that they are providing cash for Inheritance Tax purposes, whilst 8% said it was a family tradition for older generations to support younger family members through education.

A third of grandparents provide between £1,000 and £4,999 per year, with 16% providing between £5,000 and £9,999. Meanwhile,14% support their grandchildren’s education by over £10,000 annually.


Financial impact

When it comes to assessing the impact of supporting grandchildren with their own finances, 53% said that it had no significant impact, whilst 37% said that the costs were manageable.

Meanwhile, 8% admitted that the financial support placed a strain on their own finances, with 1% claiming it to be a significant financial burden. Over one in 10 (12%) said that they had to make lifestyle changes to accommodate the financial support.

Of those 12% who made lifestyle changes, 85% reduced personal spending, 18% found work, 13% sold assets and 5% downsized their home.


Derek Sprawling, Paragon Bank Savings Managing Director, said: “Financially supporting grandchildren with their education can be rewarding for grandparents as they can use the wealth they have built up to help the younger generation get a step up.

“However, doing so can be a financial burden and grandparents need to ensure their cash is working as hard as possible for them to deliver the best returns.”

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