Aegon warns of risks to pension dashboards amidst Chancellor’s planned £50 million communications savings

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Kate Smith, Head of Pensions at Aegon comments on the Chancellors intention to make £50 million of savings on Government communications for the next two years and what this might mean for the success of pension dashboards.

She said: “The Chancellor’s announcement of £50 million in savings on Government communication and marketing budgets over the next two years could jeopardise the success of pension dashboards. Effective government-led campaigns are crucial for raising awareness about benefit changes and encouraging positive behavioural shifts. Poor communication can lead to confusion, distress and mistrust, as seen with the State Pension Age equalisation, which left many WASPI women in the dark about when they would receive their State Pension and financially unprepared.

“Pension dashboards, set to ‘go live’ in 2026, have the potential to revolutionise how people manage their pensions by providing a secure, consolidated online view. However, their success hinges on public awareness and understanding. The Government is uniquely positioned to lead and coordinate promotional efforts, much like it did with auto-enrolment. This communication and marketing investment is essential for increasing engagement and ensuring better retirement outcomes. Without it, the adoption of pension dashboards will likely suffer.”

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