King & Shaxson Ethical Investing has received Dynamic Planner Risk Profiles for all of their Model Portfolios.
Dynamic Planner enables advice firms to match clients with suitable portfolios and has been doing so since 2003.
The main objective of the Dynamic Planner Risk Profiles and Fund Risk Profiling Service is to provide financial advisers and their clients with a meaningful measure of the long-term investment risk of strategies. This is done by independently providing risk levels from 1 to 10, where 1 is most cautious and 10 is most adventurous.
King & Shaxson’s Risk Ratings range from a more defensive profile of 3 to a more adventurous 8. We hope these ratings will help those who have embedded Dynamic Planner services into their risk analysis to integrate Ethical investment portfolios. The Risk Ratings can be found below:
Funds MPS
K&S Defensive:
K&S Cautious:
K&S Balanced:
K&S Balanced Growth:
K&S Growth:
K&S Adventurous:
K&S Income:
Direct Equity MPS
K&S Cautious Green:
K&S Light Green:
K&S Mid Green:
K&S Dark Green:
If have any questions or would like more information please email or you can reach the King & Shaxson team on 02074265960.