Defaqto reveals top 10 recommended Multi-Asset investment solutions year to date to the end of Q2 2024 

Defaqto, one of the UK’s most trusted sources of financial product and market intelligence, has identified the top 10 most recommended Multi-Asset investment solutions by value for the year to date to the end of Q2 2024.

The most interesting observation is that the constituents of the top 10 have remained the same since the end of Q1, albeit the majority have traded places. 

Moving up a place to take the number 1 spot is the behemoth Vanguard Lifestrategy 80% Equity fundtaking over the position from its stablemate the Vanguard LifeStrategy 60% Equity and clearly showing adviser appetite for a higher allocation to equitiesSandwiched between these two is the HSBC Global Strategy Balanced fund, with the HSBC Global Strategy Dynamic holding its position in fourth. Interestingly, the percentage share of the overall value of recommendations for the top 10 for Vanguard has fallen slightly from 37% end of Q1 to 36.15%, whilst HSBC has grown from 26.1% to 27.82%. BNY Investments which is the only other provider with two entries in the Top 10 has seen their percentage share of the top 10 recommendations increase from 13.7% end of Q1 to 15.68%.   

RankProposition NamePosition end of Q1 2024Movement up/down% Share of Top 10
1Vanguard LifeStrategy 80% Equity2+115.48
2HSBC Global Strategy Balanced3+115.29
3Vanguard LifeStrategy 60% Equity1-215.17
4HSBC Global Strategy Dynamic412.53
5BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced6+19.17
6Artemis Monthly Distribution59.00
7BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Growth10+36.51
8Royal London Sustainable Diversified85.75
9VT AJ Bell Balanced7-25.60
10Vanguard SustainableLife 60-70% Equity9-15.50

The data is drawn from Defaqto Engage; the adviser research software used by more than 30% of advisers in the UK to help their clients make smarter financial decisions. It depicts the most popular Multi-Asset investment solutions chosen through the research software, by a representational cross section of the UK financial adviser market.  


Andy Parsons, Insight Manager (Funds & DFM) at Defaqto, commented: 

“The ongoing debate as to whether the answer should be multi-asset or MPS shows no sign of abating, however for many advisers, the answer is undoubtedly both can very easily co-exist, and is very much dependent on an individual client’s personal circumstances. The multi-asset top 10 is dominated by three prominent providers, Vanguard leading the way with three solutions, whereas both HSBC and BNY Investments are represented twice.

“The remaining three spots being taken by Artemis Monthly Distribution, VT AJ Bell Balanced and interestingly, the Royal London Sustainable Diversified fund, clearly indicating that advisers and their clients do still want to be seen as making a difference and having an element of ESG within their overall portfolio investments.”  

Defaqto Engage consolidates all the information advisers need into one software solution, providing a comprehensive holistic service. It gives advisers the power to model a client’s financial objectives, capture risk profiles, conduct investment research, and oversee client reviews – all from one place.


Powered by Defaqto’s data, including more than 18,000 funds, 2,700 DFM MPS portfolios, platforms and products, Defaqto Engage is recognised by advisers as a trusted source of financial product and market intelligence. Recommendations of £50bn annually go through the system.

More information about Defaqto Engage can be found at

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