Henderson’s latest results show it has increased assets under management by 10% to £74.7bn from £67.9bn last year. 

The figure was included in the company’s interim results announcement which was released today. The period under review, 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2014, also shows an increase in net inflows of £5.0bn (30 June 2013: outflows £1.4bn). The underlying profit before tax for the period came in at £90.7m (£88.5m).

Highlights from the statement include a strong investment performance,  strong retail client net inflows from a broadening international footprint and positive flows and investment performance in all five core capabilities – European Equities, Global Equities, Global Fixed Income, Multi-Asset and Alternatives.

CEO of Henderson Andrew Formica said: “Our strong performance in 2013 continued into the first half of 2014. Investment performance remains good across all of our client assets; we have delivered record net inflows in the period of £5.0bn and we are gaining market share in our major markets.


“We have also made great strides on a number of fronts in the first half of 2014 towards delivering on our strategy. We are starting to see early results from some of our previous investments, including mandate wins for our Global Equities strategy and excellent first year performance from our US high yield team. We continue to add resources in investment management and distribution and are enhancing our global platforms. I was delighted to be able to announce the acquisition of Geneva Capital Management at the end of June, to add US equities capability to our business and extend our US institutional client base.

“Markets are currently fairly benign and we continue to see good levels of client activity. The outlook for our business remains strong.”

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