We are delighted to bring you the first part of our serialised report series covering the essentials of investment in SEIS. The series will cover SEIS, EIS, VCTs and BR/IHT in four parts over the next few weeks and will be combined into our annual Tax Efficient Investment Report 2023 and published in full in February. Authored by leading compliance specialist Tony Catt our aim is to focus on each funding area in detail, highlighting essential information you may need when considering advice for clients as part of a diversified portfolio. As explained by Tony in his introduction, these schemes were introduced as a key mechanism for raising capital for tax-efficient investment in start ups and small businesses in the UK. The continued support is an acknowledgment of their success and the importance of the schemes to the economy of UK Plc.
We start our series with our guide to SEIS and cover all of the basics such as what is SEIS and how does it differ to EIS, and what benefits are there for clients and individuals investing through these schemes. We outline the essential HMRC statistics that underpin this type of investment and explore the potential risks of investing in SEIS and EIS.
To access your copy of the report, please email kim.pattison@ifamagazine.com and peter.carey@ifamagazine.com