Pensions Dashboards connection firmly back on the agenda

by | Jun 12, 2024

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Origo has reported increasing pensions dashboards connection activity, as the renewed scheduling of onboarding dates has refocused provider priorities onto when and how they will connect to the dashboard.

The fintech, which has built the central digital architecture for the dashboard, has developed the Origo Dashboard Connector, a separate, specifically designed piece of technology to help providers securely connect to the infrastructure.

The first providers and schemes will connect with live policyholder and scheme member data as soon as April 2025, with volunteer ISP participants connecting from August 2024 to test the ecosystem prior to this date.

Many providers will be wanting to connect to the dashboard as early as possible in order to test and meet consumer requests and ensure they are dashboard ready.


Anthony Rafferty, CEO Origo says: “Providers are coming to us keen to ensure they have a robust and secure connection to the pensions dashboard central digital architecture ahead of their onboarding schedule.

“Providers can connect directly to the dashboard but that requires considerable internal resource and most providers will be looking to prepare for connection via an Integrated Service Provider (ISP), such as the Origo Dashboard Connector (ODC).   

“Consequently, we are receiving increased requests from providers looking to connect in the simplest way possible over the next few months.”


In practice, pension providers and schemes will receive multiple fields of data from the dashboard, and will match it with their records. Where there is a partial match, for example where the surname, date of birth and postcode match but the national insurance number is different, providers need a reliable process in place to help deal with it. 

When the Dashboard Availability Point is live, Origo predicts that every pension provider will need to cope with Find request volumes in excess of 75,000 per day at peak. Pension providers will need to cope with this volume for a period of years. 

Once pensions are found, the scale challenge for industry is to also handle the volume of View requests they receive. 


Origo also predicts that a pension provider with a million customers could receive 200,000 view request per day, as people view their pension data more often. 

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