
‘Why I believe International Women’s Day can inspire us all to greater happiness and success’; Mazars Director & Financial Planner, Laura Thursfield

As we reflect on the role of women in finance. Laura Thursfield, Director & Chartered Financial Planner at Mazars, is in reflective mood. Contributing to IFA Magazine’s campaign in celebrating International Women’s Day, Laura shares some of her thoughts on how we financial planning professionals can use today to not only inspire others but also to create an even better – and more successful – versions of ourselves.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, I’ve asked myself what it means to me. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I consider it a day of unity, solidarity and reflection. It is also a day to challenge ourselves, our biases and our privilege. Wherever we work and whatever it is we do, the experience of each of us – regardless of gender – is unique. 

That’s why I believe it is important that we take time to consider the experiences of those who live and work in a completely different context to ourselves. by Let’s ask ourselves questions such as how we can learn from them? how we can grow with them? and how can we support their growth? This not only supports our own development but has a positive impact on the achievement of our objectives – both individually and as a team. 

Gratitude matters 


Today also offers up an important moment to reflect on those women who have influenced my own journey in life, both in my personal and professional lives. I have been lucky enough to be raised by incredible women and have been mentored and lead by brilliant women. I take time each year to consider what it is about them that I value and respect, and also the impact I have on the individuals I am leading. Am I using my influence in the right way and am I being true to my values? If not, today is a great day to be intentional in changing this. 

As a Trustee of a multi-academy Trust in Birmingham, I am also particularly passionate about our young people and feel a real sense of responsibility in creating opportunities for them to thrive. 

Can we adopt better habits? 

As I’ve already touched upon, I am increasingly conscious and intentional with my leadership style. My focus is on trying to create a culture of inclusion, of allowing people to bring their authentic selves to work and to create a supportive environment that enables them to thrive. 


That means challenging traditional reward structures that often overlook the impact of context or often fail to reward the positive impact of diversity, easily donein the busy, fast-paced world of financial services. 

In my view, those employers that do not support hybrid working, flexible working hours or additional flexibilities such as shared parental leave are certainly missing a trick. By effectively supporting the needs of their teams they will engender the trust, commitment and strong relationships which are crucial for the success of any organisation.. It’s a great way of underpinning strong staff retention too. 

Similarly, traditional organisational cultures that support and reward a linear and uninterrupted career trajectory, and a lack of support or opportunities for women returning to the workforce after extended career breaks, is a significant barrier that many face. 

And finally, despite ongoing efforts, we still see a lack of accessibility around traditional financial institutions and limited access to financial education. The long term impact of this is significant and is is compounded when considered alongside the topics of social mobility and racial equality. 


As I round off this blog, I’d strongly encourage everyoneto take a moment to reflect on your own situation, both as an individual and as part of team. Our busy lives mean we often operate on ‘automatic pilot’ without considering how we can do things differently and obtain far greater results. And that’s not just a selfish motive, for ourselves, but also for the businesses we work for, the clients we support, and for society in general.

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