
Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes (SEIS) Annual Report 2022

Welcome to our Annual Report 2022 on SEIS and EIS investments. This year we commissioned Tony Catt, the leading compliance expert, to write our report which will be published in two parts, starting with this in-depth look at SEIS. Our aim is to offer an educational report that brings together all of the key information in one place and enables advisers to speak confidently to clients about investment in these schemes. The full report will be published and available to download next week

As Tony Catt has highlighted in his introduction to the Annual Report “in my opinion, the EIS and SEIS industry has suffered because people do not understand how they work”. We hope that publishing core information in a simplified and unified format will go some way to making the landscape of funding in SEIS and EIS more transparent.

Here we present Part 1 of the report focussed on SEIS and as ever, we would love to hear your feedback.

To access your copy of the report, please email kim.pattison@ifamagazine.com and peter.carey@ifamagazine.com


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