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Developing proficiency and building expertise – Legal & General helps advisers support clients during turbulent times

In this online web series for IFA Magazine, Legal & General highlights 5 key ways they are helping advisers support clients during today’s challenging economic and market conditions.

In the fifth and final instalment of this series, Legal & General highlights the wealth of training resources and workshops to help advisers continue to upskill.  

Training for advisers:

Legal & General is on a mission to help advisers upskill in respect of the need for protection and the options available to them. Additional training helps advisers ensure they continue to be the experts in their field – encouraging greater client retention as well as more new business.

Legal & General has created the Market Development Team (MDM) in order to try and grow the protection market for both advisers and their clients. Although MDM is a sales team, they do not have a sales target or focus on selling Legal & General products, and with decades of accumulated experience, the MDM team helps advisers ensure clients are being told about the most appropriate cover at the right price.


The team is responsible for providing insightful and engaging, seminar content, webinar programmes, and training workshops and academies.

Accredited CPD

The MDM team aims to encourage advisers from all disciplines (e.g., mortgage, family, pension and wealth) to think about how they can get more clients to consider the impact of injury, illness and death in their financial plans for the future.

Their training programmes are also accredited by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), which is unique in the market and follows the CII’s reputable guidelines. This gold standard and endorsement by the industry body gives advisers confidence that Legal & General’s sessions deliver a structured approach to continuing professional development.


To find out more about the CPD academy – and their CII-accredited adviser protection training – click here.

Award-winning research

As part of developing adviser support programmes, the team is responsible for commissioning industry recognised, award-winning research.

Key examples of useful research Legal & General has published includes:

  • Deadline to Breadline – this report explores the financial resilience of households across the UK
  • State of the Nation – this report provides important and in-depth information on business protection; it is used widely in the industry
  • Protection Sellers – learn the secrets of protection success from advisers, for advisers

By responding to adviser feedback and discussions with Legal & General’s strategic partners, the team has built a market-leading reputation for insightful and trustworthy content. This has been reinforced by the many industry awards it has won over the past decade.

Specialist skills

Technical support for internal colleagues and external advisers is a big part of the work the team undertakes. They help advisers to understand and structure a solution for specific clients; for example, answering questions about business documentation or offering guidance around taxation and appropriate use of a trust.

A varied mix of skills and expertise in the team helps to keep the scope of delivery wide. The team is also involved in product development and the evolution of existing propositions. The team’s involvement in these processes ensures that new products are launched with a focus on target markets, enabling advisers to “hit the ground running” with new ideas and concepts. Developments include the Executive and Key Person Income Protection plans; and the refocus on the Whole of Life Protection Plan product.

If you, or your firm need support, don’t hesitate to reach out here.

Catch up on the previous articles in this series by clicking the links below:

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